Why is nothing working?

Are you struggling to lose unwanted pounds and get in shape? Here's a few tips that will help!

We see many people come to us for help, and 99% want the same thing. To get into shape, tone up and just be generally healthier. If this is you, the good news is we have some tips to help out!

Here's our 4 tips to help you get in shape and stay in shape.. 

1. Tracking -

Commit to changing your lifestyle. Something needs to change, track your activity and jot down everything you are eating on a daily basis. 

2. Change -

Once you have tracked your weekly food and activity, look to change something for the better. You may find when you see it on paper that few biscuits you have are actually quite a few..

3. Stop counting Calories -

Yes you heard it right. Don’t get caught in the “ it's all about Calories in, Vs Calories out”! I can consume 2000 calories of chocolate or 2000 calories of fruit and veg. Calories can take many forms. Start looking at your Protein, Carb and Fat intake and what is suitable for YOU.

4. Invest in Yourself -

Yes of course we are going to get a plug in :) you can do it alone but it means educating yourself and trailing what will work. Or you can invest in a nutrition and training program and get there a lot faster.

Get active and enjoy a healthier lifestyle, your body will thank you!

If you need more information on what we do, we offer free 1-2-1 strategy consultations. You can simply book a time using our scheduler and just turn up on the chosen time.

To book a free 1-21 strategy consultation, click here.

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