How can I improve my mindset?
Back in January, we ran a free workshop to all our Members and current 6 week challengers focusing on how to improve one mindset.
Seanie goals for workshop was to help attendees create a positive mindset and blank out any limiting beliefs that were holding members back from achieving their goals 2020.
Content areas:
Positive Values - whats important to YOU Beliefs / Perceptions - "its not what we look at, its what we see"
Goal setting & Action planning - Emotions linked with your goals Making a Commitment to Behaviour Change
Massive thanks to Seanie Meyler who took the workshop . Everyone took away some nuggets and have a clear path set now for what they are chasing this year!
If you need some help in planning your year ahead, book a free consultation with us by clicking here and let’s see if we can help you!
You can keep up to date with our workshops and classes by following us on Facebook & Instagram